Saturday, January 25, 2014

Discharge Characteristics of Hazardous

Topics about Miss V is a topic that is rarely discussed . Women generally are shy and afraid to ask about problems they experienced , but in fact , it is very important to pay attention to the vagina care and ask the things that block to prevent the health problems of women .

One of the problems that are usually taken for granted by women is when whiteness . There are several types of vaginal discharge , which is normal and abnormal .

Normal vaginal discharge is usually clear up solid color such as milk , all appears depends on the fertile period . And abnormal vaginal discharge is when the color tends to be thick , yellow , green with pleasant aroma or accompanied by bleeding .

Abnormal vaginal discharge can be dangerous because it shows that you are being attacked by the disease .

The cause of abnormal vaginal discharge :

Excessive use of antibiotics or steroids
bacterial infections
The use of birth control pills
cervical cancer
Chlamydia and gonorrhea
Scented soaps or lotions
Bladder Infection
Transmitted infections
vaginal yeast
vaginal irritation
fungal infections

To determine the characteristics of a particular disease are indicated by whitish , consider the following facts .

cervical cancer

Characteristics when whitish or reddish brown color so . Usually also accompanied by vaginal discharge and bleeding continuous pain in the uterus .


Characteristics when whitish yellow or blackish and smells bad . Usually this type of vaginal discharge accompanied by bleeding outside of menstruation , and pain during urination .


Is whitish or yellowish green color and aroma odor . Itchy vaginal discharge and pain when urinating .

fungal infections

Whitish fungal infection when very thick , somewhat dense texture , the color is white to yellowish . Infections also cause feeling pain during intercourse , itching around the vagina and swollen .

Bacterial vaginosis

Whitish gray , yellow , or white with a fishy aroma . Whitish like this causes the vagina so itchy , redness , burning , and swelling .

If you experience vaginal discharge as above , do not attempt to treat yourself and let it , because it could get worse . Better , see your doctor to get immediate help for the sake of your health and those around him .