Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tips on how to get rid of blackheads on the face naturally

Blackheads themselves can be divided into two types: open comedones with black appearance resembles the skin pores are enlarged , and closed comedones white due to the blockage of skin pores covering the face .

To remove blackheads we do not have to spend that much for a regular visit beauty salons because of the way quite easily overcome simply by using natural ingredients that can be done during the daily grind .

Tips to remove blackheads naturally
Here is a traditional material that you can use if and to cope with nested blackheads on the skin .

Eliminate blackheads with Egg Whites
Mix one egg white with one tablespoon of honey in a bowl until blended . Apply mixture to face and leave for 30 minutes , rinse with warm water to remove and prevent blackheads .

Remove blackheads with Radish
Combine horseradish with water . Apply the mixture on your face , leave on for 30 minutes , rinse . Perform routine once a week .

How to remove blackheads with Orange / Lemon
How to remove blackheads is the third or lemon juice , water wipe feeling in the area of blackheads , let up overnight . Acid from the lemon helps reduce oil on the skin.

Using the Orange Peel
The fourth way to remove blackheads is with a mixture of basic orange peel with water , apply on the infected area and leave it overnight .

Wearing Aloe Vera
Apply aloe vera on the face of blackheads ( can be a way to make juice or rub it directly ) . Aloe vera is useful to help the healing process of the skin becomes inflamed due to blackheads faster .

ice cube
Rub the area with blackheads with ice cubes for 10 minutes , to help tighten and close the pores and prevent dust and oil stick on the skin that cause the occurrence of blackheads .

The first way to remove blackheads is to wash your face with a mixture of salt water the way , add a tablespoon of salt in a basin of warm water . The salt will help reduce excess oil and remove blackheads .

The second way to remove blackheads is with toothpaste , take a little toothpaste , wipe the part of the blackheads . This method helps reduce the inflammation caused by blackheads and reduces the levels of excess oil .

You can choose some natural ingredients depending on where it is most readily available to be used and applied on the skin regularly . May be useful !