Friday, May 9, 2014


What are the efficacy and dragon fruit for health benefits ? In what follows we will present various pieces of information about the red on this one . The fruits of plants belonging to the type of cactus - kaktusan is believed to have many benefits that are very potent . Different from most other cacti , this plant is more similar to the full benefits of fruits such as banana , mango and mangosteen . So , if you 've read the benefits of bananas and mangosteen peel efficacy in previous articles , then you must read the following article :

khasiat manfaat buah naga

Efficacy benefits of dragon fruit
Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit

The content of vitamin B3 

If you have high cholesterol , then this problem can be solved with a dragon fruit juice . With the juice every day , cholesterol levels will drop slowly . How to eat also can be eaten directly .

Suitable for diet 

Did you read the reviews of a healthy diet ? Well , the benefits of dragon fruit can also be used as supporting your diet menu . One advantage is that because the fruit is not sweet taste of glucose , dragon fruit has a low glucose content .

The supporting eye health 

You can find the amount of beta-carotene content of compounds containing not less on carrot juice . For those of you who have health problems of the eyes , consume dragon fruit juice regularly to sustain the health of your eyes .

Helps digestive system problemsY

ou do not have to worry about the body's digestive system disorders , because the dragon fruit contains abundant fibers . By eating dragon fruit regularly every day , then you can avoid the risk of digestive system problems .Well , want to know more about the dragon fruit ? Here's a red dragon fruit properties . Listen carefully - either :

Efficacy Dragon Fruit RedHelp cure cancer 

Complex vitamin content contained in dragon fruit is one alternative to help cure cancer . Many doctors recommend it to be consumed on a regular basis .

Enhance the appearance 

High content of vitamin C that can help the skin to maintain the condition of the cell . Of course this will help the women to add to the beauty . Moreover, fruit and dragon fruit peel can be used as the base material of scrubs .

Cure for diabetes 

Sweet taste of dragon fruit is not derived from glucose , therefore the red dragon fruit can help cure diabetes .

Stamina guard

 Red dragon fruit has a high content of antioxidants , this will help the body to maintain health and stamina.

Prevention of osteoporosis 

In addition to the four above , or calcification of the bone disease osteoporosis can be prevented by organic calcium on red dragon fruit .

Well , that's a review of the benefits of a red dragon fruit that is second to none . Do not forget to share this article to your family , relatives , and associates you with facilities share button below so that there is more useful information . Leave a comment on column also provided.Thank you :)