Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Tighten facial skin is often done by some women to maintain their appearance . Certainly, women tighten facial skin to reduce existing wrinkles on their faces . They complained about the wrinkles on their face that interfere with performance . Though small things like the use of cosmetics is one of the causes of skin wrinkles . Without you knowing it , the cosmetics you use contain active chemical ingredients that will cause skin damage and even death . Parts are damaged or dead skin that would make facial wrinkles .
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Causes of Skin Wrinkles

Dehydration or lack of fluids in the body
Smoking is a habit that has become
Too often drink coffee
Effect of facial movement or expression
Exposed to direct sunlight continuously
strict diet
You may ask , why a strict diet capable of causing wrinkles on the face ? When on a strict diet that tends unhealthy intake of minerals and vitamins that enter the body limited even a very minimal amount . Lack of vitamins and minerals that are needed will be detrimental to health and cause wrinkles on the face , if left unchecked , it will be difficult for you to tighten facial skin .

Actually there is one more factor that causes the facial skin wrinkles . This factor can not be avoided even by everyone . These factors are increasing age . As people age , everyone will see wrinkles on their skin . But do not worry , because some facial skin tightening following tips might help solve your problem .Tips Facial Skin Tightening

  •     Drink at least eight glasses of water per day . This habit is very beneficial to your skin , because by drinking water regularly , the skin will be maintained in a condition that lembab.Selain water can also be used as a way to prevent acne solution .
  •     Sufficient and regular sleep and avoid staying up late . Sleeping too late will cause the appearance of eye bags . This eye bags that can impact the wrinkles on your face .
  •     Use egg white as a mask . Substances contained in the egg whites were able to lift the dirt on the skin . The way is easy , take the egg whites and then apply on the face . Wait for it to dry and then wash your face using warm water .
  •     In addition to the egg whites , bananas can also be used as a mask . Bananas are efficacious in making the skin firmer and softer . The way a banana peel and the fruit part . Puree the bananas and then apply on the face to the upper neck . Wait for 20-30 minutes , after that wash using cold water up .
  •     Reduce smoking and drinking coffee . Coffee contains caffeine which can accelerate the occurrence of wrinkles , especially on the face . Cigarettes contain harmful active ingredients that can make the body become wrinkled , including the face . Smoking habits and coffee consumption will also have a negative impact on the health of the body .

Try to do the above tips on a regular basis so that your skin becomes taut . Do not forget to see other beauty tips on our site do not forget to comment and share on facebook and twitter friends and relatives on how to tighten the facial skin .