Sunday, June 1, 2014


It is undeniable that if Asian women have oriental facial shape and flat nose . Despite having no sharp nose shape does not mean a big deal, but it is not uncommon to both women and men want a sharp nose . It seems if you have a sharp nose shape can improve a person's self-confidence and will look more beautiful and charming .

How to make sharp nose 

Although methods to make sharp nose is now very diverse and IM , as well as nose surgery . But the way the course has a big risk and would be very dangerous if not handled by a specialist , and will lead to side effects in the long term . Additionally sharp nose surgery is also very expensive and you need a lot of money for it .

Cara Memancungkan Hidung

How to make sharp nose 
Yet to get a sharp nose shape , there are many way to do sharp nose without spending much money and done in a natural way that is not harmful to health . And if you are grateful for the gift of God to your nose , flat nose not be a big problem . But there is no harm if you do some traditional and natural ways that can be practiced daily . With a sharp nose Natural Ways that will be explained in detail below as it is a safe way without having to spend a lot of expenses , such as the following :

  •     Pinch the tip of the nose slowly and lift upward. Do it regularly every day for 4-5 minutes so that the nose pointed by itself .
  •     Use essential oils such as lavender and jasmine , then do a light massage of the tip to the base close to the eye . For this method you need to be careful so that no oil on your eyes .
  •     Do a light massage with a way to position the middle finger in the corner of the eye and place the ring finger just below the eyes , then slowly massage until you feel the muscle lies the nose . Do it this way to relax for 8-10 times a day until the sharp nose by itself .
  •     Perform light exercise such as yoga can also help make sharp nose naturally , through proper breathing exercises . By doing yoga , breathing techniques , aquiline nose look unnoticed . How to sit in a straight position and then use your right thumb to close your right nostril . Take a breath through the left nostril and hold the breath for four seconds , then exhale slowly while counting to six . Repeat this movement and doing turns for 15-20 minutes a day . In addition to help you look more sharp nose , the way can also soothe your mind .
  •     Use special tool called nose-up that is useful to form the nose to make it look sharp . This tool is designed to create a sharp nose shape by pressing certain parts without damaging the skin 's health . When compared with the sharp nose surgery , using a nose-up guaranteed to be safer to use and less expensive . Make sure you pay attention to the instructions for use properly for maximum results .