Sunday, June 8, 2014


Excessive appetite often makes the diet inhibited. Therefore we need a way of reducing the effective appetite, especially for women. Review below describes a number of tips on how to reduce excessive appetite naturally.

How to reduce appetiteHow to Reduce AppetiteDrinking water regularlySometimes if the stomach is empty, it means that someone considers hungry. Though different hunger with dehydration, many people do not know. Then there spontaneously fill the stomach with foods that are not currently required by the body. Therefore, you need to look at your water consumption every day, already suffice?

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Some people think that the sport will make us more hungry. It was not true. Exercise can reduce your appetite!


Never skip breakfast. Breakfast is the key to success in living your activity all day. Your appetite will get bigger in the hours of daylight if you missed it. And this is not good for the body because it can lead to obesity.

Consume more protein 

With foods that are low in calories and high in protein content, then the body will be helped in maintaining energy. You will get power to move throughout the day.

Avoid excessive snacking

  Snacks such as crisps and chocolate snacks are included you every day? From now subtract the portion you eat a snack because it can encourage your appetite.

Eat regularly and tea consumption 

Many servings in one meal is not recommended, as well as eating only two meals a day. Better to eat regularly three or four times a day in order not often feel hungry. Consumption of tea is considered good to change your snacking habits. With a brew of hot tea twice a day can help you cope with excessive hunger.

In addition to the six above, we also cite information from vemale

 How to Reduce Excessive Appetite
 Make a list of foodsIn order to reduce appetite at certain hours, remember what you have every day. Considering it can push the hippocampus in the brain work. This is a large part of the brain that can inhibit appetite. In order for the maximum performance of the hippocampus, which is going to make a list of foods you eat on a regular basis. Do not forget to include foods with a high content of minerals and vitamins such as fruits and vegetables.

For Food In Small Amount

 Is when you look at favorite food, you'd love to eat it even though not being hungry? Wait a minute! Should limit the intake of calories into your body. Divide these foods in smaller portions. It proved to be effective to prevent excessive hunger.

Do not Use Transparent Dining 

One chose a place or container to eat turns negative impact on diet. Transparent food containers can make your food look easy. Based on the research of the International Journal of Obesity American, women ate 71% more when eating places that used transparent. So avoid it.Thank you for reading articles on how to reduce appetite written by Beauty Women. Do not forget to share to social media such as facebook and twitter.